Psychological ownership @ SCP 2020

At the upcoming Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) conference in Huntington Beach, CA, there will be a session dedicated to the topic of psychological ownership. The session is called “Experiencing ‘MINENESS’: Extensions of Psychological Ownership in New Consumer Contexts” and is chaired by Ipek Demirdag, University of California Los Angeles. According to the conference website, it includes the following talks: “Creating Ownership Where Ownership Does not Exist: Psychological Ownership Increases Enjoyment in Sharing Economy” (Demirdag and Shu); “Virtual Touch Facilitates Psychological Ownership of Products in Virtual Reality” (Luangrath, Peck, Hedgcock, and Xu); “‘It Can (Cannot) Be Mine’: How a Person in a Photo Impacts the Viewer’s Perception of a New Experiential Product” (Lu, Peck, and Barfield); and “Psychology of Heritage: The Endowment Effect for Extraordinary Goods” (Christensen and Shu). The session will take place on Saturday 7 March from 9:10 to 10:30 am at Salon F of Hyatt Regency Hotel in Huntington Beach, CA. If you are attending the conference, don’t forget to mark your calendars. We are excited to hear more about current developments in psychological ownership research!

Excited to Foreshadow

As many of you will have come to realize, 2015 appears to become the year of special issues on ownership. The topic is bound to leave a mark on or even enter the research agenda of many additional scholars in the near future. This is exciting and we hope to bring many of them together on this blog. The future of blog contributions looks bright. I am pleased to foreshadow a couple of upcoming posts.

We are excited to announce that the proofs for our special section on Ownership in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics have already been sent to the authors. A sneak preview is soon to follow.

The special issue on Psychological Ownership in Marketing in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice is even one step further. It is out now and digitally available. Marko Sarstedt, one of the key figures behind this special issue, has kindly agreed to share his take on the insights the special issue provides us with. Marko has been known to many due to his intense engagement with partial least square analyses. He is not new to the ownership community either. His interest in psychological ownership has created a discussion platform that I fondly remember. Last year he, together with Colleen Kirk, organized a special session on the topic at the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS).

Colleen, too, has kindly agreed to join us as a guest blogger and to share some thoughts that her intense engagement with psychological ownership has inspired. We are very excited to have her. She is the only person who has managed to contribute to both special issues. Given that the deadlines were not too far apart this really is a noteworthy feat.

So stay posted and of course post yourself or let us know if there is anything you want to share about ownership. And as always, if you haven’t yet become a “face of ownership” but would like to, simply drop us a line with your photo attached.

Best, Bernadette

Reminder: CFP on Consumer Ownership & Sharing – April 1, 2015

We would like to remind you that the submission deadline, which is April 1, 2015, for the special issue on Consumer Ownership & Sharing in the new Journal of the Association of Consumer Research is approaching fast.

The second issue of the very first volume of this brand new journal of the consumer research field is edited by non others than Russell W. Belk and Linda L. Price. Empirical and conceptual papers are sought addressing aspects and issues in the areas of ownership and sharing by consumers. All relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical methods are welcomed.

More information can be found in our Call for Papers section or by downloading the corresponding PDF right here.
